Game Programming(with Chihyuan Chuang)
In the final project, we built a complete FPS game system upon the Ogre3D (a scene management engine).
We wrote our own BSP rendering and collision and AI systems. Also the PhyX engine is used in this project.
Digital Image Synthesis [link]
Project 1: Octree-R [link]
Project 2: Realistic Camera Rendering [link]
Project 3: Ward's BRDF [link]
Final project: A cup of drink [link] (with Chihyuan Chuang)
We implemented multiple scattering volume rendering by photon mapping and hazed glass effect. It's a pity that we didn't give enough time to make a good model.
Digital Visual Effect [link]
Project 1: HDR Image [link]
Project 2: Panorama [link]
Project 3: Matchmove [link]
Final project: Image-based Material Editing [link] (with Chihyuan Chuang)
A real-time interactive implementation of the SIGGRAPH'06 paper "Image-based Material Editing." The texture replacement method is also improved.
Convex Optimization
Recover Radiance Map from Photographs and Tone Mapping Methods for Display [pdf]
Computer Graphics (Undergrad project)
Water Animation. (with P.-H. Wu)
We implemented a dynamic water animation system. You can download the phsical simulation result here. The defects in the images are because we implement a traditional (and simple) ray tracing program which can not handle total reflection.